
Customer Testimonials

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Great experience, if you want a car come here!
LS08KKF Purchase verified

Reviewed 16/05/2019
By julie H – hohodgy33@gmail.com
All round easy and no hassle car exchange. Lovely people. I would recommend without hesitation.


Very good service and very obliging No trouble at all


Easy to deal with, friendly and a straight forward trade in. Would deal with again. Thank you

Dear Brian
Thank you for sourcing, detailing and selling us a great car, an automatic Vauxhall Astra Estate. You had so little time to to find what we needed and you did so whilst providing a warm hearted professional service which ensured we could drive off fully taxed, with MOT and 6 month warranty. Fabulous.
All the best
Heather and John

So I’ve used motorcourt for my previous 3 Van’s 2 of which I bought and 1 on finance.
Brian was so helpful in me getting everything sorted nothing was to much.
Even if I had any queries he was right at the end of the phone.
I cant reccomend this company and Brian enough.
5 star service